Saturday, 12 June 2010

Orrell In Bloom

A very nice customer told us today that we "brighten up Orrell Post corner, no end"  I must say we can't take all the credit, we did have a little help from the glorious sunshine, but I thought I would share some pics with you and let you see for yourselves.

Everything Looks better in the sunshine !

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Mother's Day Picture Montage !

Below are a selection of pictures that depict the fun and mayhem of the weekend !

If you are wondering where the pictures are ? don't worry your web browser is working properly, we where  so busy there was no time to take any snaps !! Sorry

We had our usual early mornings and late (Very Late) nights , we laughed, we danced, we sang and we ate Pizza ! and  that was before we opened the doors to the heaving mob !

A Big thank you to our wonderful staff for pulling out all the stops and "cracking on " with such enthusiasm, thank you too to the friends and family who became flower delivery professionals for a couple of days and most importantly thank you to our lovely customers who chose Hills Florist to arrange flowers for their lovely mums.

I promise to post some lovely pictures in the next blog ...!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Spring Is in The Air

The sun has been shining for four consecutive days !! 
this must either mean that spring is finally here, or that as in previous years .. this is Summer ??!!.
In any case, the one thing that is certain to arrive soon is 
Mothers Day.

With this in mind we have been busy making and preparing all kinds of gorgeous flowery things, ready for those lovely Mums. 

On Oriental lady gazes out in quiet solitude over Orrell            
( well, Gathurst road actually). 
Yes I thought of that description myself !! 

This is our Oriental..ish corner, with some lovely gifts for Mum

We will have a huge selection of flowers an plants in stock throughout the week, with some truly gorgeous designs. So, to avoid disappointment or even worse Abuse !! Order Early.
We will have extended opening hours over the weekend, and to make sure that we can meet the demand for our lovely flowers , we are bringing our sleeping bags !! that's Gonna be Fun !!!!!
Do McDonalds Deliver ?

Monday, 22 February 2010

A visual update

Sorry its been so long ! but here is a visual update of the year so far

New year and the fireworks, and a couple of Chinese lanterns for good luck,
A little working lunch 
A working trip to the Capitol ( shopping can be considered as work on this occasion)
More Snow
Another working Lunch !
the small matter of Valentines !!
Even more Snow.
An little window dressing.

The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed a recurring theme .. SNOW!
could someone please tell the met office that we are not in Klosters and that
we have most certainly had ENOUGH of the white stuff for at least a year 

Please let it be spring ??!!